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Theresa "T" Eid - Greg's friend since 2006

I can still recall the day when a mutual friend introduced me to T on the 5th floor of the inpatient unit at HackensackUMC. With bright yellow walls as our backdrop, I knew I just meant an incriedble someone whose sense of humor and authenticity instantly won me over. We have seen one another through some memorable times over the last nine years; the Imus Ranch adventures being some of the founding chapters of our friendship. With T by my side, late night snacks in the Imus Ranch Kitchen consisting of 4th of July cookies and soy ice cream never tasted so good! Working alongside one another, with or without matching kitchen aprons, has deepened our connection and respect for the way we both navigate ourselves professionally. She continously inspires me! From Imus Ranch hands, to psychosocial colloboraters (The G&T Show), to professors at MSU, to the best of friends, we have seen a great deal together.  Theresa's perspective on life, her faith, and her incredible insight into the human experience are all qualities I have come to deeply appreciate and value, along with her capacity to shop (particularly during our annual Christmas shopping trips)! I feel privileged to share in her life and to know her husband Sebastian, Sebastian Andew (aka Little Man) , and her family, who have each played a special role in our friendship.  After a trademark "G&T" conversation (or FaceTime), I always feel connected to myself, one another, and the bigger experience.  I am foralways grateful that we crossed paths and continue to choose to share in one another's life.


Johanna "Beana" Hedler - Greg's sister

Johanna and I are born seven years apart from one another and when we came into one another's lives we each fully embraced the role of siblings, knowingly or unknowingly at the time.  In many ways, I credit who I am today through the role of being the "Big Brother" in our family.  I believe I developed my sense of compassion, ability to nuture, and playfullness from my duties of being "the oldest".  Johanna offered me the opportunity to be the "Greggie" I am today when she ran away while I babysat (she was only four years-old), played dress-up in our living room when we created elaborate tellings of fairytale stories, and spent many summers at the Fairfield pool & Jersey Shore together.  I get excited remembering all that we have shared together and in discovering one another in new ways within the context of our adult lives.  Her determination and drive over the years have always impressed me and are qualities truly I admire. We say it all in a glance, laugh for hours over silly-sibling-isms ("Crabbie Dance", " "Pell-Pell", "Curtsey") and have made it through the challenges and triumphs of life by one another's side.  My sister and I are a tag-team, a sense of home even when miles a part, and one another's cheerleader in all our pursuits.  Johanna has welcomed Anthony into our family, as witnessed when she bought him a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle T-Shirt the first time we went down the shore together and she has been an incredible suppport for our relationship.  I am grateful to think of a lifetime together as brother and sister.  


Karen Seiz - Greg's friend since 1995

It was after the auditions for my first musical (Bye Bye Birdie) at Clifton High School that Karen and I first the pay phones.  In that moment, I thought I simply met the girl I would soon be dancing on tables with during act two and in reality I just met a lifelong friend! (#SpanishRose, #Showstopper, #Shriners4Life).  High School was just the beginning for us because I would find my way to Bloomsburg University where Karen and I would spend three more years together driving back and forth from PA to NJ for holidays, singing karaoke in her mom's basement, and eating meals together in the Scranton Commons.  Karen holds a special place in my heart as one of my biggest supports when I "came out" and remains a big time support of all I do.  I can vividly recall the day I knocked on her Montour Hall door and told her I was gay. Karen never skipped a bit and had me laughing through my tears in no time at all. Her friendship and love saw me through those crucial years of self-discovery and self-acceptance. As with Theresa, I feel privileged to share in her life and to know her husband Eric, her daughter Zoe, and her family, who have each played a special role in our friendship. Both her mom (aka Mommy "V") and her brother Joey have welcomed me as part of their family... and were always quick to offer me the pullout couch whenever I needed it!  Karen is an extremely talented, compassionate, and cherished friend (that loves anything that comes in animal print) . She continues to make me laugh uncontrollably and allows me to appreciate how much we have grown since the payphone. 




Alan Florendo - Anthony's brother 

Looking back at my childhood, I guess I didn't have it so bad.  I think it was because Alan was a dutiful, older brother who made sure I was fed, allowed me to tag along, and moved around with me between my mom's house and my dad's house.  All my favorite childhood memories like waiting for the bus at Cherry Hill, chasing after street hockey balls, listening to heavy metal and Howard Stern, persuading mom for us to order Wrestlemania or Pay-Per-View, playing games (Toejam & Earl, Dungeons & Dragons, Axis & Allies, DC Cards), and using our imagination (Pookie & Ted, Toy City, Baby Zenith, Miami Wingbats), were because of Alan.  He took care of me for years and he continues to think of  me, especially during holidays and comic book movie premieres.  


Darren Vargo - Anthony's friend since 2003 

I always say that there were only two people that made my life in Lehigh Valley, PA bearable.  One of them was Darren.  Darren was a free-spirited and adventurous prodigy at Kutztown University when I first met him.  I don't know exactly how we first met, but I haven't been able to get rid of him.  He would visit my place by knocking on my window, take baths, and then sleep in my bed with the windows open, making it so cold for me to sleep.  He was like the raven from that Edgar Allen Poe poem, purposely trying to frustrate me.  Through my experiences with Darren, I have definitely learned to be more patient and assertive!  Darren is my annoying gay little brother but all kidding aside, I constantly thank him for challenging me on how to view life.


George Youngdahl Anthony's friend since 2002  

During my last year in college, I realized that I didn't have any friends that were gay.  After several attempts to find friends at Rutgers, NJIT, and heck, the Northern NJ area, I came across George online.  It was the 4th of July and he had his parents over when we first talked on the phone.  He had a friendly, confident, and outgoing personality which helped break me out of my shell because I was shy and awkward at times (well, I still am). He took me under his wing and he has been my gay big brother ever since.  We have shared many adventures and dreams (adopting chubby baby asian girls).  I have witnessed his ups and downs throughout the years and it's his strength and perseverance that I admire about him the most.


Junior Groomsman


Connor Florendo Anthony's nephew

When Connor came into my life, I was so happy for Alan and Jen.  I was scared for me, because not only was I an uncle, but also at the time, I was not out to my family.  Would my orientation affect how my brother would view me as an uncle and possible legal guardian?  What if Connor starts to ask questions or make jokes?  I loved Connor since the first time I saw him and baby-sitting him for a few hours while his parents went to the movies was one of the best times in my life so I kept quiet for a few more years.  As Connor grew older and my relationship with Greg grew stronger, I knew it was time to come out.   I always envisioned my coming out process to be a grueling experience, but because of Connor's innocence and love, it actually was a time of acceptance and laughter.  He has been one of our biggest supporters.


Marriage Officiant


Susan Pultman - Greg's friend since 2013

Following Anthony to Philadelphia and leaving my closest friends was, to be honest, an anxiety provoking experience.  Will I make new friends?  Will I enjoy my new Social Worker role?  Am I really moving to a city that is known for it's cheesesteaks? Fortunately, I quickly felt welcomed by my CHOP Social Work team and they began doing what social workers do best. They offered me friendship, support, and a meal voucher... I mean, a space to settle into and call my own!  Susan was certainly one of those people (along with her fiancee Katie) who offered me the opportunity to share stories about my expereince at Hackensack, my challenge with transition, and my life with Anthony.  While telling the team about our proposal (and making them watch the "Youtube" video) Susan told me that she is an Ordained Minister and a few months later she embraced being casted in this very special and important role in our wedding.  We are thrilled to create our ceremony with Susan, who embodies creativity, passion, and a connection to spirit that is evident in everything she does.  Thank you for agreeing to journey with us towards our "I Do's" and being the one to bring Anthony and me even closer as partners for life.  


Mothers of the walk us down the aisle 


Annette Mangulabnan - Anthony's Mom

My mother has been my hero throughout the years.  Growing up, I was a momma's boy.  I enjoyed going to church with her, shopping the sales racks at the mall, self-scanning groceries, going to the movies, having real Thanksgivings, and watching TV and falling asleep in bed.  She is a strong and independent woman who always worked hard and had a unique sense of humor.  I never played sports.  I sang in the choir and acted in musicals.  I was shy and timid.  So one of the very few things I was proud of during my awkward years was just being her son.  'My mother is a real estate broker.' 'My mother is the fun sister in the family.' 'My mother is so pretty... she was a beauty queen.' 'My mother is a great singer'.  Like any mother, she has made alot of sacrifices for me and my brothers.  I thank her for always accepting me and my brothers for who we are.  She will always be the most important woman in my life.


Karen Terry - Greg's Mom 

My favorite picture of my mom and I is from when I was a few years old and we were at the beach.  We are down by the water's edge and my mom has positioned herself between me and the crashing waves.  With our backs to the water, she holds tight, and we look away from the camera with our eyes focused on the vast ocean.  This picture is proudly displayed in our living room in Philly and it always gives me reason to pause and remember the way my mother (literally) embraces her role as "Mommy".  Together she and I  have enjoyed the calm stillness of the water, stood our ground together during some crashing waves, and have truly "grown up together" in the tides of life.  Our relationship inspires both of us to be more and grow in ways that makes both of us stronger individuals.  Her embrace brings me home, her words build me up, and our relationship makes my life brillant and bright. 




Adriana Acosta - Greg's friend since 2005

As the story goes, Adriana and I started at Tomorrows Children's Institute on the exact same day - her as an employee and me as an intern. Yet another chance encounter that resulted in the discovery of a lifelong friend.  Over the ten years I spent at TCI, Adriana and I would have our share of stories, shoulders to cry on, and exceptional personal growth within the presence and support of one another.  We grew into the role of the"Dynamic Duo" as we took on co-faciliating support groups together (with the power of reading one another's mind), giving presentations in Seattle and twice in California (with the power to build on one another's fabrications in a single word), and thrive in our efforts to support one another in both our work life and personal life (with the power of laughter).  Adriana is simply brillant and someone who continues to inspire me on many levels.  She remains a constant in my life even though our desks are no longer inches apart from one another.  I am foralways grateful for the way she grounds me, how we can read a People magazine together at the same time, and how even in our silence we find ways to say so much. 


Kelly Mullen - Anthony's friend since high school (and junior prom date).  

I met Kelly in 11th grade English Honors class.  For awhile I thought she was an international student because I never saw her before, she rarely spoke, she smiled a lot, and she had a... european... body.  She sat right behind me and we eventually became the best of friends.  She used to play with my hair (I used to have thick black hair) in class, eat lunch together, and talk on the phone for hours.  Imagine me talking for hours!  I think my friendship with her helped me get through those high school years.  I think people actually thought we were together, so yay! No Bullying!  I admire her because she always smiles and I can't think back to a time where she has ever had a negative attitude, even during times when I am high-maintenance.

Mike Ulisse Jr- Greg's friend since 2012

I had the pleasure of meeting Mike while working at HUMC during a time of transition and discovery in my life.  From the time that we met, Mike and I could  be found at the Aquarium Cafe at least once a week offering one another the space to contemplate life's challenges and accomplishments within the span of our thirty minute "break". Mike has been a good friend from the start and he has shown his continuous support through his willingess to take his first yoga class, dance in a flashmob, and attempt to get a large couch from NJ to Philly and up three flights of stairs in the middle of winter (which ultimnatley did not fit and had to go back in the U-haul).  Mike can also be noted for providing me with the most extensive Madonna music collection a proud gay man should own!  Like all those in our wedding party, Mike quickly became a confidant and friend, as well as a reflection of who I am as an individual and as a partner to Anthony.  Through Mike's willingness and process to be fully himself, in all aspects of his life, he continues to inspire me to be more of myself; for this and more I am grateful to call him my friend.





© 2015 by Waffle & Bug Productions

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