the wedding of

Roxbury, NY

​Greg's Story
In the movies they always say that when you meet the person you are going to marry, you know it instantly; Anthony made me a believer. Within our first few exchanges, which included Yoga, (I was graduating with my teaching certification the following month) Miss Saigon (Favorite. Broadway.Show.Ever.), Capricorn birthdays, (1/3 & 1/12), Love of Excel Spreadsheets & Disney (Indeed), and bruised ribs (jousting injury & yoga incident), I was certain my world just shifted. That night I sat at a Death Cab for Cutie concert thinking of the angel that just walked into my life...with the wings to prove it. Anthony remains the favorite part of my day, my instantaneous smile, and he makes love effortless & abundant. Three months after that first conversation, I was in California with Adriana and for the first time I said it out loud, "I am going to marry him".

Anthony's Story
I met Greg on the morning of April 25, 2012 after a yoga class at the gym. I usually don't wake up so early to go to the gym (everyone knows I am not a morning person), but since I was going to visit George in Florida that same day after work, I figured I'd get a workout in before my mini-vacation. After yoga class, Greg said hello to me and in no time, we were both spilling out our many common interests and dreams ("Me too!"). He had a smile that was so genuine and warm, which made me more intrigued to find out what his smile would look like the longer he knew me. Ever since then, finding ways to make him smile became my favorite hobby. Greg is my daily reminder to never doubt God's work. I thank God for all the answered (and unanswered) prayers that eventually led me to Greg's embrace.