the wedding of

Roxbury, NY
The (Flash Mob) Proposal
The talk of marriage happened after Anthony and I attended his friends, Paul and Eric Hafner's, wedding. (The start of Anthony hinting at Flash Mob proposal and sending me video links to proposals happened shortly after). Whether it be us showing up at a restaurant for dinner or getting on the New York City subway, Anthony would always look at me with his beautiful big eyes and ask in anticipation, "Is this my flash mob?", to which I would remind him that I would never propose in such a way! On the night of my Autumn Harvest Fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society at Yoga Montclair- the actual setting for the flash mob - Anthony, before getting out of the car said, "Is this my flash mob?". At this point I responded with an "angry" cover up and quickly jumped out of the car before Anthony could read my eyes, like only he knows how.
The plotting for the proposal began months prior over breakfast with Donna when I let her in on my plans. It was then, I kindly asked her to lend her talent to choreographing the flash mob. She enthusiastically said, "yes" (the first of many in this process) and before we knew it we had the music, the steps, and an amazing group of friends who were learning their part. I would teach friends the routine at their apartment after a mac 'n cheese dinner, in the child life office at TCI, and even at a Rutgers staff meeting to elicit the particpation of Anthony's former students. The excitement was insurmountable leading up to November 9, 2013.
Anthony was completely surprised as witnessed in his repeated head knods and profuse sweating...and despite his denial, he teared up.
Thank you to Donna and Omni for crafting such a grace inspired, partner-highlighted performance. Thank you to Omni and Darryl for providing us with a sacred space to hold the event. Thank you to the dancers and supporters who lovingly gave themselves, danced with such excitment, and celebrated with us on our memoriable night.
The start of the video is a performance by Donna and Omni that was disguised as a "Thank You" for everyone who donated and attended the fundraiser. It then slowly builds until the entire room is circled Anthony and I dance my way through the crowd towards the love of my life.
If you want to watch the video uninterrupted, first scroll down the page and pause the music player!